The Seabrook Community 

To the Seabrook community 

A letter of thanks.

We would like to extend a big thank you to the Town of Seabrook and especially the residents in the neighborhood surrounding Hooksett St. for allowing us to infiltrate their amazing piece of the beach to hold our annual Plunge. For the last fifteen years, for a few hours on a Saturday in February, we have been welcomed by the community.  Every year the Polar Plunge is for a person or family that has been dealt a very unfortunate hand, and the graciousness shown to our group is immeasurable.  We understand it can be a little chaotic for a couple of hours in your area therefore we’re so thankful that you allow us to use the entrance to the beach at the end of Hooksett. We will continue to park in safe/designated areas, be respectful of your property, and have an officer on site to help keep the neighborhood safe.

We are so appreciative of your patience with us each year as we attempt to make a difference in someone’s life for at least a day.

-Ray Keefe

We love what you do.

Their motto is "Hand Painted Kindness Rocks scattered about town to inspire happiness, sharing, encouragement, and goodwill in our beautiful community."  

From Mary Lou Dion founder of Seabrook Beach NH Rocks

“I started Seabrook Beach NH Rocks in April of 2018 when I saw The Kindness Rock Project by Meagan Murphy online. I was inspired by how positive the messages were on her rocks left for strangers & decided that I had to get involved. I created rocks with feel-good messages that I believed everyone needed. Strangers wrote to me on the rock page to tell me how special it made them feel and the kids who found them were especially happy! People in the community began asking if they could join me in painting them so we dedicated Mondays as a PWF- paint with Friends Day. We are now about 25 artists and truly the best of friends that mostly paint at home but always together on Mondays. Not only do we paint positive messages for our community but we've painted for over 100 charities and for anyone that reaches out to us. We have never missed a request in our almost 6 years. Our artists are so kind and generous with their time and I'm so thankful to have met them. I couldn't be more proud. We now have over 4,000 members in our rock group that have likely found one of our rocks. They have been found in the Ukraine, Poland, Rome's Colosseum, England's Stonehenge, Switzerland and many other countries. Our mission is to spread kindness in our community. We welcome everyone, young and old from any of the surrounding towns to help us and we really need them. On request we have shipped boxes of rocks to the kids at Marjorie Stoneham Douglas High School in Parkland, FL after a mass shooting, to an overwhelmed nurse treating breast cancer patients in RI, to a Vermont mom making a rock garden for her 12-year-old stepson who was autistic, severely bullied & committed suicide. There was a heartbroken grandmother in Texas that wanted care bear rocks for her 4-year-old granddaughter's grave. Another got Kermit the Frog rocks for her grandson's grave whom she lost to cancer, the family of a 9 year old boy that loved hockey and baseball but sadly died of cancer, the returning soldiers at Pease Air Force Base, and for many Cancer centers. It can be quite time-consuming for all of us but it's extremely rewarding & well worth the effort we put into it. There are three winter events we would never miss: January, Chuck Rosa's Freezin' For a Reason at Seabrook to fight substance abuse. February, The Polar Plunge at Hampton Beach to benefit the Special Olympics, and in March, Ray Keefe's Polar Plunge in Seabrook to benefit a special family going through the unimaginable. For these events, we are happy to make a souvenir rock of their bravery in taking the plunge into the freezing cold Atlantic to raise funds. Our group is hoping there are a lot more people willing to help us support these worthy groups and our wonderful community. Our Motto: "Hand painted Kindness Rocks scattered about town to inspire happiness, sharing, encouragement, and goodwill in our beautiful beach community".

-Mary Lou Dion and the Rockettes