Eddie McMahon jr

Eddie's Story

Eddie Jr, his dad Ed Sr, his mom Vicky, and younger brother Colby, originally all lifelong Lowellians decided to take a chance and make a move to Punta Gorda FL in August of 2021 leaving behind their beloved tight-knit family and friends.  While there Eddie a huge sports lover, and avid baseball player, started to lose function and control in his left hand.  After 6 months of unanswered questions and various different doctors and appointments, an MRI showed the cause of that symptom.  On June 2nd, 2022 Eddie Jr, only 17, learned that he had a brain tumor.  This tumor was pressing on his motor strip causing nerves to be irreparably damaged.  He needed emergency brain surgery to remove the tumor. The Surgeon, at Johns Hopkins All Children Hospital, St Petersberg FL where Eddie was admitted, did manage to get the entire tumor.  With that being said and his family being thrilled to hear the surgery went as well as they could have hoped for, unfortunately, his battle was just beginning.  Eddie's tumor was found to be malignant, a highly aggressive grade 4 glioblastoma, extremely rare in children.  The family made the tough decision to pick up and move back home where they could be surrounded and supported by family and friends.  Since moving home Eddie Jr. has been taken under the care of some of the best hospitals in the world, Boston Children's, Brigham Women, and Dana Faber.  He went through 7 weeks of radiation and will be on chemotherapy treatments for the foreseeable future.  Eddie from the surgery and due to damaged nerves from the tumor has been burdened with left-side weakness and loss of function in his hand.  He will continue to do PT twice a week to try to gain back strength.  It's a lot to ask of a senior in high school and a tough road for such a young man, but this family is not hiding from anything. They are out in full force ready to take this demon on.  Eddie Jr is in for a monumental battle. I could not have been more impressed with his attitude, his sense of humor, and his beautiful smile.  We are all rooting for this teen to thrive.  

-Ray Keefe

Find more photos of the plunge day here - Facebook Link 

A note from Eddie's Family

We know we are loved and we know that we made the right choice to come home.  That could not have been more evident after being chosen for Ray's Plunge.  Although we feel very unlucky to have been dealt this hand, we are extremely fortunate to have family, friends, and this community surrounding us. We are in awe of the experience that was the Keefe Family Polar Plunge 2023.  We were overwhelmed, excited, happy, full of love, and so much more it is hard to put into words. Ray Keefe you are simply the best, and so are all of the wild, crazy, wonderful plungers, thank you.  To Ray's committee, we appreciate each and every one of you.  It is more than an honor to have been chosen for this beautiful event.  The funds that were raised are just incredible and leave us speechless, but the sense of not being alone really tops it all. Eddie has a fight in front of him for sure, but I know with everyone behind us we will give it all we have. Ed Sr, and I have decided to give back and join Ray's amazing crew, we were so humbled by this experience that we want to help make a difference for someone else now too.  What a truly heartwarming, life-changing cause.  

-Vicky & Ed McMahon