Mark Frattaroli

Mark's Story | The Innogural Plunge 

In 2008, we met the Frattaroli's when they lost their youngest son Mark in an automobile accident.  He had played in a football game earlier that day against my oldest son and we wanted to help in some way.  Eight years later we remain great friends and only wish that we'd met under different circumstances.  Our family's annual Polar Plunge is named for Mark because of our admiration of his reputation, the intense love of his siblings, and our desire to carry on the Legacy of our wonderful new friends' youngest son and brother.

Anna and Filippo and their children Philip, Daniella, and Jessica have found many ways to carry on their cherished son and brother's memory.  Our Plunge is another they love and support.  So, each year Anna sends a beautiful and colorful letter to her relatives and friends asking for support to whomever our Plunge is for.  Each year those relatives and friends deliver in extremely generous ways.  

-Ray Keefe